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Thursday 5 May 2016

Man 'Possessed With Demons' Caught Jerking Violently as Ghostly Figure Appears on Shop Fridge (Video)

A man who is thought to be possessed with demons has been caught on camera shaking violently in a bizarre manner as things move on their own.A video has shown the is the spine-tingling moment a man said to be 'possessed by a demon' shakes violently in a shop before the reflection of a ghostly figure appears in a fridge door.
At the beginning of the clip he resembles any other shopper, reaching into a fridge and taking out a cold drink.
Suddenly, while still gripping the door handle, he seems to turn rigid and begins shaking violently, dropping the drink on the floor.
With his hand by his side, his body jerks vigorously, grunting and yelping.
He then starts tugging at his T-shirt and shaking his head.
Seconds later, the man drops to his knees, still pulling at his T-shirt.
When a female member of staff appears, the man raises a hand and points towards a stack of toilet rolls before standing up and aggressively tugging his own hair.
As he falls to the floor again and lays still, the reflection of a ghostly figure is seen drifting in the fridge door, despite there not being anyone else in front of it.
Toilet rolls then inexplicably fall from the shelves, flipping as if they've just been knocked over - but there doesn't appear to be anybody near them.
Recorded in a supermarket in Malaysia, on a surveillance camera, the eerie footage was posted on YouTube, where it's been viewed thousands of times.
Its title translates into English roughly as: "True paranormal demonic possession of a man in a supermarket in Malaysia."
And it's left viewers spooked, shocked and perplexed in equal measure.
One wrote: " Epilepsy thought at all times, until the end of the video that things fall."
Another added: "Poor guy!!! Under attack and nobody helped."
It's unclear what happens to the man after the footage cuts.
Watch the video below: 

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