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Saturday 14 May 2016

Niger-Deltans Are Ready to Support Buhari to Fight the Avengers - Ayiri Emami

A prominent figure in the Niger Delta has denied the activities of a group who have renewed a scrupulous agenda in the region with continued bombings of oil and gas pipelines. Niger-Delta activist and Itsekiri leader, Chief Ayiri Emami, said on Friday that those bombing pipelines in Delta State were not ghosts, but known human beings living in the state and urged security agencies to go after them, Vanguard reports.

Emami, who was a former chairman of the Delta Waterways Security Committee, DWSC, Warri and a stalwart of the All Progressives Congress, APC, faulted the Delta state government over its alleged laid-back response to vandalization of pipelines by the Niger Delta Avengers.

“What is going on is not surprising to some of us and I want to say that government security agencies should be more serious about finding the perpetrators. I know that if they were serious, they would have fished them out because they have information on what is happening.”

“It is just some few persons that are doing all these things and security agents should not stand and be looking at them and pretending that they do not know them. This matter is beyond what the Delta state government can handle even though it has not demonstrated enough commitment,”
 he said.

“I want to suggest that President Muhammadu Buhari, the National Security Adviser, Minister of State for Petroleum, the Army, Navy, Air force and Police, the state government and the communities should all wake up on this matter. The communities should identify the militants doing these things because they know them and point them to security agents for arrest,”
 he said.

Emami asserted: “I have interacted with people from the area, they are not happy with just some few persons that are bringing bad name to all of them for self-centered reasons and government should stop them, who they are avenging.”

“I can tell you that the name, Niger Delta Avengers, chosen by the criminal elements and economic terrorists bombing oil and gas installations in the state and their demands roundly expose their political, selfish, corrupt and destructive mission.

“They are on their own, the good people of Niger Delta are not with them, we are in support of President Muhammadu Buhari and his government, we want him to transform Niger Delta, what are these masquerading economic saboteurs avenging?

“When positive reforms on going in the oil and gas sector are already yielding dividends, with the coming on stream of the nation’s refineries, as well as other infrastructures in the sector hitherto abandoned,”
 he said.

Emami continued: “Every responsible Niger Deltans is ready to render needed support to the government to track down these selfish criminal elements to enable the Buhari administration achieve its desired goals in the South-South, especially the realization of mega people –centred projects.

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