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Friday 6 May 2016

Unbelievable! Man Charges God Almighty to Court...His Reason Will Shock You

A frustrated man who is obviously laden with loads of problems has sued God with claims that his prayers are no more being answered. David Shoshan, a man in Israel, said God has failed to answer his prayers foe many times and has filed a restraining order against the Almighty.
According to the suit, God has been treating the man unkindly.
In a report by the Times of Israel,  Shoshan told the court, Tuesday, in Haifa, that over the last three years, God had been very negative towards him, demanding that He should stop interfering in his life henceforth.
Court documents noted that God did not present himself at the hearing, NRG, an Israeli news website reports.
Shoshan said he has tried numerous times to obtain the restraining order through the police department, but failed which was the reason he decided to go to court.
According to the report, the presiding judge, Ahsan Canaan, threw out Shoshan’s request and called it absurd.
Canaan asked that Shoshan should get help from someone besides local law enforcement.

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