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Thursday 5 May 2016

Unbelievable! Meet the Fetish Priest Married to a Pastor (Photo)

Numo Neequaye Amansa II
In this shocking revelation, a fetish Priest has disclosed that he is happily married to a female pastor. A fetish priest and the Vice president of Wulomei Klan in Ga State in Ghana, Numo Neequaye Amansa II has revealed that he is married to a reverend minister and is very happy.
According to Adom-Online, the man revealed that his marriage is a very happy one. He stressed that both he and his wife serve the same God but only differs in the mode of communication to God.
"She communicates to God through Jesus Christ and I do mine through our gods but we are fine as a family" he added.
Numo Neequaye Amansa II who has three children with his pastor wife who runs her own church said he is blessed to have such a supportive woman.
“We have time for each other and I see nothing wrong with my marriage with a reverend minister. We are all human beings and therefore I rather see it as a blessing instead of a curse” he stated.

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