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Monday 16 May 2016

Wow! Popular Actress Caught on Camera Putting on Her Jeans Without Using Her Hands (Video)

An actress has been filmed pulling on her pair of jeans but without using her hands to do it in an impressive showoff. A video has shown the amazing moment a popular Actress and TV star did the impossible by pulling on a tight pair of jeans without using her hands.
Actress and pop star Daniela Lujan, 28, from Mexico, was filmed performing her impressive party trick on a house roof.
The video begins with her wearing only underwear, a loose top and a camisole and with her jeans on the floor.
Daniela, a former child star, works her feet into the top of the jeans and then starts maneuvering her body to pull them up her legs.
She continues dancing and kicking her legs as she wriggles on the jeans.
And, within 90 seconds, she has manoeuvred the jeans into position around her waist and needs her hands only to fasten them.
Finally, she raises her arms in triumph and performs a celebratory wiggle for the camera.
The video, which Daniela entitled ‘Will I Make It?’, quickly went viral after she posted it on her social media page.
Daniela began her showbiz career as a TV star on the Mexican version of Sesame Street when she was just five years old.
She shot to fame by starring in several soap operas and 'telenovela' drama series.
Daniela has since worked as a theatre actress, TV host and singer, releasing two best-selling solo albums.
Watch the video below:

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