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Wednesday 24 August 2016

Unbelievable! Scottish Farmer Performs Push-ups Completely N*ked in the Back of Moving Truck (Photos)

Kenny Fraser stripped naked for push-ups at the back of a pick-up
A brave Scottish farmer has left many people in shock after he stripped n*ked and performed push-ups in the back of a moving truck. A Scottish farmer has pulled a shocking surprise stunt by executing 22 press-ups on the back of a pick-up truck driving through a town centre.
According to the report by Dailymail, Kenny Fraser stripped off and jumped on the truck in Auchtermuchty High Street in Fife, Scotland and performed 22 press-ups as the truck drove off. 
Fraser performed the daring act to raise awareness of military charity Combat Stress which tackles post-traumatic stress disorder.
The hilarious footage was taken by a friend who travelled behind the truck and roared with laughter.
Mr Fraser, 43, said: 'It's a great cause but I wanted to do something different with videos or else it can come across a bit boring sharing the same thing 22 days in a row.
'I thought it'd be a bit of a laugh to do it naked and that'd be a good way of getting the video shared and raising the profile of the charity.
'I've got a lot of friends in the forces and I think everyone knows someone who has been affected by depression.
'It turned a few heads definitely. I'm quite shy but it's for a good cause so it didn't bother me at all. In saying that, I wouldn't have gone without the sock.
'It was right in the middle of town but the weather could have been a lot worse to be fair, at least it wasn't raining.
'We had a lot of fun doing it. My mate was following behind with a dash cam and you can hear from his cackles of laughter exactly what he made of it.'
The 22PushUpChallenge originated in the United States to raise awareness of veterans' mental health.

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