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Wednesday, 28 September 2016

Emotional Tributes Pours in as 25-year-old Pretty Female NYSC Corps Member is Laid to Rest (Photos)

RIP Ene Adole
A 25-year-old female NYSC corps member who was allegedly killed by a hit-an-run driver while serving her fatherland in Kano State, have been buried amid tears and sorrow from family and friends. A National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) female member serving in Kano identifed as Ene Gertrude Adole, who was recently killed by a hit and run driver, has been finally laid to rest in her hometown of Idoma in Benue State.
Many facebook users posted emotional tributes on her wall, as she was buried in her home town.
Read some and see burial phots below:
Adole Stephanie
"Kia Ene I can't get over you fa,I can't even close my eyes,I can't even think properly,kia ds pain is too much......... I wanted to see how you died thinking I wld feel better buh when I saw it d pain increased,u were lying lifeless,that beautiful face wasn't even there I cldnt even recognize my sister kia Ene fa,I dunno how I wld cope without you,I dunno how I wld concentrate when I get back to school,I dunno how I wld console the rest when am not even consoled yet,I dunno how our lives wld be without you in it,what will be become of me now you are no more here,Ene I know you are a fighter,so whosoever did this,where ever you are just get ready,I don't even need to tell you what to do Ene,cause you already know........kia ds pain is so unbearable I can't I can't I can't..........kia Ene fa?"
Akor Ada Queen
"I discovered that people fear Death nt because they dnt know death exist, but because of the manner they will or may die. God may u console my frd Adole Stephanie and her family, give them the heart to bear this loss..RIP Ene Gertrude Adole"
OmohaDgreat OmohaAlfred
"So it happened like this, Ene Gertrude Adole. We shall meet in the next life. I pray for the repose of ur soul. U r loved, forever!"
Adole Stephanie
"Ds was last year's Chrismas pictures of me you and mummy when we were trying to prepare food for Christmas ,,,,,,, come back so we can take more pictures ds Christmas........ Oh my sister pls come back"

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