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Thursday 13 October 2016

Anxiety Grows as FG Fires 20 Directors and Managers of FAAN in Major Shakeup...See New Details

In what obviously appears to be a major shakeup, many directors and managers of the FAAN, have been fired by the federal government. It has been revealed that up to about 21 senior officials of the Federal Airports Authority of Nigeria (FAAN) have been sacked on Wednesday in a major shake-up.
According to The Punch, those affected, including directors, general managers and deputy general managers, were reportedly handed their termination of appointment letters.
Sources at the head office of FAAN in Lagos revealed that no fewer than 10 general managers were reportedly demoted. They were said to have earlier been improperly promoted.
It was learnt from an official of the Ministry of Aviation that the sacking was the first batch of the shake-up planned by the government to reposition FAAN.
Stakeholders said the Federal Government had been concerned about certain issues at FAAN such as the engagement of about 40 general managers, the creation of many directorates that brought about duplication of duties and raised the authority’s monthly overhead to an estimated N800m.
Sources said the government planned to reduce the number of workers by way of restructuring in order to cushion the effects of the current economic crisis.
Some of the general managers were said not to have the requisite qualifications for the sensitive positions they held, as many of them, including deputy general managers, had reportedly left the university about 10 years ago and could not have qualified for the office they held.
The Punch reports that almost all the directors were said to have been affected, while an acting director of finance was said to have been demoted to Grade Level 10 and redeployed to the Department of Information Communications and Technology.
Many of the affected officers were moved from Grade Levels 17 and 16 down to 10, 12 and 14.
Some of the demoted workers were said to have received their letters, authorising them to report to their superiors, who were their subordinates before the exercise.
Meanwhile, new directors of finance and accounts, as well as commercial and business development, have been appointed.
The Federal Government is also reportedly planning to reduce the number of directorates in the aviation agencies as part of the restructuring exercise.
This, it was learnt, would affect the Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority and the Nigerian Airspace Management Agency.
The restructuring at the airports is said to be the fallout of a panel’s report headed by the Head of Service, Mrs. Winifred Oyo-Ita, which recommended the need for a proper placement in FAAN.
The NAMA may get a new managing director before December as its acting Managing Director, Emmanuel Anasi, is expected to proceed on terminal leave by the end of the year.

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