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Wednesday 12 October 2016

Horror! 13-year-old Girl Sets Self Ablaze While Trying to Burn Down Her Own School (Photo)

The girl, pictured here, set herself on fire
A young girl who was trying to burn down her own school, has succeeded however in putting herself in serious danger. A Vietnamese teenager (name withheld) has set herself on fire.
The girl set herself on fire after attempting to burn down her school in an ill-fated social media dare.
This development was made known by local media reported on Wednesday.
In a video which has gone viral online, the 13-year-old girl was seen pouring petrol in front of a door at her school in the southern province of Khanh Hoa.
According to the local media, the girl inadvertently set herself alight after lighting a match with friends cheering her on.
However, she received slight burns to her legs.
The unnamed girl had promised to set the fire if she received 1,000 “likes” on her Facebook profile.
Report says the dare is part of a recent social media fad known locally as “Vietnamese say, Vietnamese do’’.
Another gruesome video went viral in September of a man in Ho Chi Minh City apparently setting himself on fire and jumping off a bridge into a canal after receiving 40,000 Facebook “likes.’’
It said that neither his identity nor fate was ever confirmed.
According to a social studies expert, Dr Pham Thi Thuy, it is a case of crowd psychology.
“This is a case of crowd psychology,as the mob rushes to `like’ those Facebook posts just for fun, which in fact leads to stupid acts by the young people involved,’’ Pham told newsmen.

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