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Tuesday 11 October 2016

How Prophet Killed 'Demon Possessed Woman' After Giving Her Concoction to Drink

An Apostolic Church prophet is in serious trouble after his attempt to cure an alleged demon possessed woman resulted in her death. A Prophet has landed in trouble and faces murder charges after he allegedly gave a Bulilima woman from Zimbabwe a concoction supposedly to exorcise demons but it proved to be fatally toxic.
According to the report by The Chronicle, Luke Rusere (40) of the Great House of Grace Apostolic Church mixed an aloe plant, cooking oil and milk which he gave to Mrs Ketty Moyo and her husband Mr Linos Moyo on Monday.
Things turned fatal after the couple experienced severe stomach pains which resulted in Mrs Moyo’s death.
The prophet was dragged to court over the sudden death of the woman. Rusere appeared on initial remand before Plumtree magistrate, Mr Gideon Ruvetsa, facing murder charges on Friday. He was remanded in custody to October 21. Mr Ruvetsa advised Rusere to apply for bail at the High Court.
Giving details of how the woman died, Prosecuting, Mr Elisha Mazorodze said the incident occurred on October 3.

“Rusere who is a prophet in Gokwe visited his sister, Mrs Gertrude Sibanda who stays in Nswazi area in Bulilima and indicated that he wanted to open a church branch in the area.
“Mrs Moyo and her husband attended the new church on 2 October where Rusere prophesied that they needed cleansing as they were being haunted by evil spirits,” he said.
It was gathered that Rusere visited the couple’s home to conduct a cleansing ceremony overnight. When morning reached, Rusere prepared a concoction - a mixture of cooking oil, fresh milk and a crushed aloe plant leaf and gave the couple to drink to cleanse their stomach.
“A few minutes later they started feeling stomach pains and Mr Moyo vomited the concoction but his wife didn’t. She was rushed to Madlambuzi Clinic for treatment but she died on the same day at around 2PM,” he said.
The matter was reported to the police resulting in Rusere’s arrest. Rusere, who tried to explain the incident in court, said he gave Mrs Moyo the concoction with the intention to heal her and not to harm her.
He said he had once consumed the concoction himself but it did not harm him.

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