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Monday 3 October 2016

Omg! See Notorious Motorcycle Snatcher Caught by Security Operatives in Benue (Photos)

Abakyo Igbazungwe caught by CJTF
A criminal who has been disturbing people in Aliade has finally met his waterloo and has been handed over to the police. A notorious motorcycle snatcher who has been terrorizing residents of Aliade, Benue State identified as Abakyo Igbazungwe has been apprehended by members of Community Joint Task Force (CJTF).
He was caught stealing a blue Honda motorcycle. The thief was caught after he took the motocycle to a repairer to assist him find a buyer for the stolen motorcycle's engine.
However, he was caught after the repairer who was aware of the missing motorcycle, as he quickly alerted the owner and CJTF members. 
Abakyo denied having knowledge of the stolen Honda motorcycle and said it was given to him by one Orshi Terwase. As he was being accompanied to the premises of the said Orshi, he changed his story. Abakyo later accepted to have personally perpetrated the crime.
Other items found in his house were a �ajah motorcycle with a Manchester United stickers, other motorcycle parts and plate number JGB 283 VN. As at the time of writing this report, Abakyo and his claimed personal Bajah motorcycle were still in the custody of CJTF as he was unwilling to disclose more useful information.
Officer Tamenku who is the branch commander commended the motorcycle mechanic for exposing this crime, and urged other mechanics to also live by this standard. He added that he and his men are bent on ensuring security for life and property as Governor Ortom's administration has zero tolerance to crime in the state.

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