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Tuesday 11 October 2016

Unbelievable! 3-year-old Baby Dies After His Father Tried to Feed Him By Force...Shocking Details

A little baby boy has been killed after his father tried desperately to feed him by force at home. A toddler has tragically “drowned in his food” after his father allegedly force-fed him.
According to The Sun UK, the three-year-old died when his lungs filled with a mixture of cereal and bread, a court heard.
The child was allegedly regularly made to lie across his dad’s lap as his cheeks were pinched and the porridge-like mixture poured into his mouth.
Jurors were told when the defendant sometimes vomitted after force-feeding “the defendant would become angry, and slap him or send him to bed”.
His 32-year-old father, from north-west London, who cannot be named for legal reasons, is charged with manslaughter and cruelty to a child.
On November 27 last year, paramedics found the child in his nappy showing no signs of life after the defendant called for an ambulance.
Simon Denison QC told jurors: “There was a very large amount of vomit that looked like a porridge substance on his face and on his chest and and not the floor.

“It was very difficult to clear his airway because of the amount of porridge-like substance that was in his throat. When CPR was attempted, more of the substance came out.”
He continued: “A post-mortem examination revealed that virtually all sections of his lungs were stuffed with recognisable food material.

“He had aspirated, inhaled, breathed in, a large amount of the porridge-like mix into his lungs so that he had, in effect, drowned in his food.”
The defendant denies the charges and the trial continues.
The trial continues.

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