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Thursday 9 February 2017

How My Friend's Girlfriend Tested Him to See If He Truly Loves Her - Man Shares Interesting Story

File photo used only for illustrative purpose
A young man has told an astonishing story of how his friend's girlfriend surprised them both after church service. A young man has shared an interesting tale of how a friend of his got the surprise of his life recently after his girlfriend tested his love for her.
Below is what he wrote:
Yesterday my friend Charles (not real name) and his girlfriend Janet (not real name) and I were returning from church and we were heading home when suddenly Janet asked Charles to hand over his phone to her.
Charles gave her the phone.
I and Charles did not suspect or expect any foul play because that's not the first time she would hold the phone and by right a girl riend has the right to see or hold the boyfriend's phone if need be.
But we noticed that when the phone was handed over to her, she immediately opened the phone, removed the battery, SIM card and the SD card, then put back the battery without putting back the SIM and the SD card. I personally was confused I don't know about my friend but I think he was more confused than me. 
When my friend asked her the reason for doing that, she said nothing. We were all mute. We trekked a distance when the most surprising and the most shocking happen.
When we got to the head bridge, we stood there looking for bikes to convey us when Janet suddenly threw the phone into the river.
I was really mad at her and asked what she found in the phone that got her so furious and if she found anything that upset her was this the right action to take.
Charles asked her in a calm voice why she did it and she respond in aggressive voice "don't asked me any stupid question."
The anger was burning in me and I felt like devouring the girl or tear her to pieces. How can she do that to my friend now that phones are costly? many things ran through my mind,
I looked at my friend and he said we should just go. I asked why we should do what and he said "let's go". I told him we can't just live the girl like that, we should deal with her, but he said no.
"I have always said I'm the last guy that will raise up my hand on a lady and Janet is not just a lady but my girlfriend and my lover, so I can't. Everything happens for a reason " Charles said to me.
As we were about to leave while I was still fuming with anger, Janet called us back, hugged my friend kissed him. And I was even more confused.
She then opened up and told us that she was just tempting my friend to see if he'll raise his hand against her or embarrass her. She said she now sees my friend as a good person who love and respect her.
At that instant she opened her laptop bag and removed a brand new Infinix Zero and gave my friend, a phone which is even better more costly than the techno Y7 he was using. 
She said even if my friend had beaten her up or threatened her, she would still have given him the phone but that would have been the end of their relationship.
What would you do if you were my friend?

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