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Monday 13 February 2017

Mother from Hell! Woman Beats Her Own Daughter to Death at Home...Why She Did It Will Shock You

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A woman who got really angry with her own daughter for doing something she detested, has shown her anger in a brutal way. A Zimbabwean woman from Chivi district is facing murder charges after she assaulted her teenage daughter to death recently.
According to New Zimbabwe, the woman is said to have beaten her daughter to death for dodging church service to be with her boyfriend.
Identified as Nyaradzo Musiiwa, the 62-year-old woman, was not asked to plead to murder charges when she appeared before Chivi magistrate Bishard Chineka.
She was remanded in custody and advised to apply for bail at the High Court.
Prosecutors told court that on 2 January this year, Nyaradzo left her homestead to attend a church service in the same neighborhood and instructed daughter Ramwi Musiiwa to follow after she had finished her household chores.
However, instead of following her mother to church, the now deceased decided to spend the rest of the day with her 28-year-old boyfriend, Tavonga Chipise.
When the mother returned from church she found Ramwi not at home. When the daughter finally came back, she was asked where she had been and indicated that she was at her boyfriend’s place.
The court was told that this did not get down well with Nyaradzo who became angry and started assaulting her daughter with a wooden stick all over the body until she fell unconscious.
Prosecutors said the mother tried to resuscitate her by pouring water on her lifeless body but to no avail.
The daughter was then rushed to Chivi hospital where she was pronounced dead on arrival.

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