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Friday 17 February 2017

Oppressor from Hell! How Young Boy Locked Girl Inside Cupboard Full of Spiders Just to R*pe Her

Luke Driver
A young man has been made to pay for his criminal act after being found out to have assaulted girl s*xually. A young man identified as Luke Driver, has been jailed after he locked a nine-year-old girl in a dark cupboard full of spiders to frighten her into having s*x with him.
According to Metro UK, Luke Driver, who was aged 14 to 16 at the time of the abuse, admitted orally r*ping the girl, trying to rape her twice, sexually assaulting her on two occasions and inciting her into s*xual activity.
Prosecutor Anjali Gohil told the judge that Driver began by kissing the girl on the lips and putting his tongue in her mouth.
He then escalated his offending until he committed oral rape on her and also tried to force full sex on her.
‘When she refused to do what he wanted he would lock her in an understairs cupboard. She was scared of this because it was dark and full of spiders,’ he said.
‘She would be so scared that she would agree to do what he asked.’
Now 21, Driver was given a prison sentence of four years at Gloucester Crown Court today.
Judge Jamie Tabor QC told Driver that if he had been an adult when he committed the offences he would have received a sentence close to double figures.
‘The girl was still a child, unaware of the birds and bees, but frightened of you because on at least one occasion when she didn’t do what you wanted to do you locked her in a cupboard till she agreed,’ said the judge.
‘You were yourself at the time a troubled boy, immature, and I accept to some degree that this was sexual experimentation.
‘But you knew perfectly well that what you were doing was wrong and that it was particularly wicked to invite a young girl to do it.’
The abuse happened between June 2009 and May 2011 when the girl was aged nine and ten.
In a victim impact statement the girl said: ‘I only realised it was really, really wrong when I started reading things in my mum’s magazines and other peoples’ experiences. I felt sick about it. It was disgusting, it was nasty.
‘I started smoking weed when I was about 12. It helped to calm me down and make me feel better.
‘In October 2015 I was depressed and ended up taking an overdose and almost died. I did it because I wanted to die and I hated life.’
In December that year she told her mother what Driver had been doing to her.
Gareth James, defending, asked the court to give Driver full credit for pleading guilty to the charges at the first opportunity.
His sexual offending had been sporadic over a period of about 18 months at a time in his life when he did not appreciate the consequences of what he was doing, added Mr James.
A great deal had changed in his life since then and he was now a father of two young children and he realised his behaviour had been abhorrent, he said.
‘He realises full well that he cannot undo the harm he has done.’
Driver, of Lysons Avenue, Gloucester, was jailed for four years.

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