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Friday 17 February 2017

Tragic: Teenage Mother Secretly Gives Birth in Her Bedroom and Throws Newborn Baby Out of the Window of Her 2nd Storey Building (Photo)

Antonia Lopez killed her own baby after giving birth
A young teenage mother who brutally murdered her own newborn baby by throwing her out of the window has landed in serious trouble. A teenage mother left many people in serious shock after she secretly gave birth to a premature newborn baby before throwing her out of the window.
The 16-year-old girl also sent text messages to her boyfriend and wrote a chilling Facebook post. The baby it was learnt weighed 2lbs and died in the fall from a second-storey flat.
The woman identified as Antonia Lopez, has now admitted to causing the child's death.
Lopez, from Omaha in the US state of Nebraska, went into labour and gave birth at home in the early morning hours of September 30 last year. While she was in a labour she sent several text messages and a Snapchat photo to her boyfriend, the Omaha World-Herald reports.
One message sent just before 1am read: "Baby I'm having contractions in my lower abs every couple seconds. It hurts so much."
Shortly after 2.20am she wrote: "It was a girl by the way."
The baby was later found dead by Lopez's distraught mother who called 911 shortly after 4am to report the incident. The baby was pronounced dead upon arrival at hospital.
Although Lopez claimed that she didn't know she was pregnant, her boyfriend countered her and said he had urged her to tell her mother about the pregnancy but she refused. She was charged as an adult and would have faced 20 years to life in prison if she had been convicted in district court.
Douglas County Attorney Don Kleine called it a "horrible" and "heartbreaking" case, adding: "To me, after we looked into it, the way things happened, it didn’t seem to be anything you would label as an adult-specific act.

"It wasn’t a planned-out, thought-out process. It was more of a panicked reaction."
Lopez is due to be sentenced on March 24. She will get probation or be sent to a group home or a juvenile detention centre.

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