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Friday 3 February 2017

Unbelievable! See the 'Demonic Thing' That Happened at a Church During Deliverance (Photos)

The pastor was said to have healed many possessed by demons
A Ugandan pastor left many people in shock after he healed a good number of his members possessed by demons during a church programme. A dramatic incident took place at a church programme organized by Ugandan Pastor, Robert Kayanja of Miracle Centre Ministries when different members were delivered from demons and started behaving in seriously strange ways as the man of God fired prayers.
The man of God said the members were delivered by the Holy Spirit which pursued many strange demons out of those delivered.
"Holy Ghost delivered many. We saw strange demonic manifestations as the presence of God came down. God is in the business of delivering people, victory belongs to Him! 
"Silva was suffering from Hepatitis B and was on heavy medication. He raised his faith for his healing by touching the TV as we prayed and he was healed at home. Unfortunately, he later got a condition which caused his testicles to swell and hurt, but was healed when he was baptised a few weeks back. 
"He's also asked for prayer for deliverance from homosexuality which he was introduced to by his brother when he was only seven years old. He whom the son sets free is free indeed." he wrote on his Facebook page.

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