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Tuesday 28 March 2017

Human Camouflage: See Photos of Nigerian Troops Camouflaged as Trees in Sambisa Forest

The human camouflage. Nigerian soldiers disguised as trees and shrubs inside Sambisa forest. Look closely, the standing trees are not trees at all.
They are Nigerian soldiers waiting patiently to spring a surprise attack on Boko Haram insurgents
Photos have emerged online showing Nigerian soldiers disguised as trees and shrubs inside Sambisa forest as they wait patiently to spring a surprise attack on Boko Haram insurgents. The true story of how Nigerian soldiers captured Sambisa forest is yet to be told but a glimpse of the activities of the gallant troops have emerged. 
Some of the soldiers were seen in tree camouflages. Some were seen wading through the stream in Sambisa while some camouflaged as bushes in what a top security expert called human camouflage.
See more photos below courtesy of NTA News;
The capture of Camp Zairo, Bok Haram’s stronghold in Sambisa forest
Soldiers wading through a stream in Sambisa forest

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