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Tuesday 21 March 2017

Unbelievable! See the 21-year-old Man Who Looks Like a Baby Because of Mysterious Condition and Worshiped as a Hindu God (Photos)

Manpreet Singh is 21 but looks like a baby and is worshiped in India
A 21-year-old man who looks like a six-month-old baby has left many people stunned with his mysterious health condition as people are now worshiping him as a Hindu God. A man is being worshiped as the reincarnation of a Hindu God after a mystery condition left him just 23 inches tall, reports Dailymail.
The man identified as Manpreet Singh, 21, is the same height and weight as a six month old baby and is believed to be one of the smallest people in the world.
Currently undiagnosed, his condition remains a mystery. But now locals in Punjab, India, consider him a deity and visit him daily to be 'blessed'.
According to his parents parents Jagtar Singh and Manjeet Kaur, the boy was boy healthy but stopped growing when he was six months old. Sadly, doctors have never examined him properly as his family have never been able to afford medical treatment.
Jagtar said: 'We don't have money to pay for his treatment.' 
Additionally, Mr Singh is unable to talk and walk - he stopped moving his legs when he was three. But his family insist that he still brings joy to his fellow villagers.
'We have taken him to many doctors since his birth but around 5-7 doctors told us that he is suffering from thyroid and he can be treated,' his mother said.
'But we have given him a lot of medicines and there is no difference.'
She added: 'Among his relatives, as well as those who come from outside, he is considered to be like a God. Whoever he blesses will get their wish fulfilled.
'People don't bully my son for being short. We don't feel bad about him. We all worship him. People love him a lot. People come to worship him everyday.'
Interestingly, Mr Singh has two siblings, both of whom normal height. His 19-year-old sister Jaspreet stays home to take care of him.
However, the family want him to become famous so that they can get enough money for his treatment.
'We have consulted a lot of doctors but they also don't have any hope. But if by any chance there is a possibility, I could not be happier,' his father said.
Doctor Hemraj, a local practitioner, believes the rare condition has something to do with the thyroid.
'People come to me who are suffering from fever or a cold, I take care of them. But this is a different case, I have seen it for the very first time,' he said.
'Today science has developed so much that nothing is impossible. His treatment is also possible.' 

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