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Thursday 4 May 2017

Wicked Souls: You Won't Believe What 4 Men Did to a Girl Just Because She Asked Them for Directions

Rafiullah Hamidy is one of four men accused of raping a teenage girl in Ramsgate, Kent
A young girl has been put through a really excruciating experience after she went over to four strangers on the street to ask for directions. A 16-year-old girl who was lost and seeking for a way out of her dilemma has been gang r*ped by four laughing strangers after she asked them for directions, a court heard.
According to The Sun UK, the drunk teenager was led to a grubby room above a kebab shop where they pushed her onto a bare mattress, it was said.
The men r*ped the girl repeatedly “and laughed as they put her through the ordeal”, a jury was told.
She was allegedly attacked on her way home after a night out with friends when she stopped to ask the way at the pizza and kebab restaurant in Ramsgate, Kent.
Prosecutor Simon Taylor said: “The girl was undoubtedly drunk and was walking the streets alone late at night.

“The Crown’s case is that her drunkenness, youth and vulnerability would have been recognised by the defendants.

“And it was these factors that they took advantage of in the couple of hours that followed.”
The girl was r*ped here
Mr Taylor said the girl was taken to the flat above the restaurant and added: “Once there she was raped by men on multiple occasions.

“Through drink, and most likely the trauma of what happened to her, she was unable to provide any detailed descriptions.

“The girl had found herself in a room of the second floor above a takeaway. In that grubby room, with an uncovered mattress on the floor, multiple males had s*x with the teenager.

“She says that she did not consent. Indeed, you may well conclude that she was too drunk to give any true consent to any sexual intercourse in any event.

“But what is clear is that each of the men took the opportunity to have a little ‘fun’ at her expense.”
Afterwards she was “escorted” out of the property by one of the men “and left to roam the streets alone”, Mr Taylor said.
Jurors heard the teenager was the equivalent of twice over the drink-drive limit.
The girl was found “sobbing and distressed” by a woman who took her into her home.
Restaurant owner Tamin Rahani, 37, Shershah Muslimyar, 20, Rafiullah Hamidy, 24, and a teenager who cannot be named for legal reasons, each deny three charges of rape.
The trial continues at Canterbury crown court.

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